About Me

My photo
GENEVA, IL, United States
After many years of being a workaholic and always having something to do, someone to call, and somewhere to go I left the work place for two years, slowed down, and enjoyed life. Now after my amazing break I'm attending Cosmetology school and this blog will take you, my friends and family, through my wild adventures as a student. Strap on your seat belts we're about to make some great people very beautiful!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Feedback from a Client

After working on mannequin heads for weeks I had my first real haircut, blow dry, and curling iron style...so here's the feedback!  I can't believe I will one day get paid to do the enjoyable craft of hairstyling.

Hello Bobbie,

Thank you for such a relaxing and fun evening.  I so enjoyed spending time
with you.  I truly love the way you styled my hair and am enjoying the
attention I am getting today as a result!!!  

So you might be a Beauty School student if....

10. You might be a Beauty School Student if your back hurts from carrying bags of supplies to and from school everyday

9.  You might be a Beauty School Student if your "free time" reading consists of Hair Magazines and Hair Product catalogs

8.  You might be a Beauty School Student if you come home each day with little new things done to your hair each day

7. You might be a Beauty School Student if your wardrobe colors are now several shades of black...which black top matches this black bottom today

6.  You might be a Beauty School Student if you now surf U-Tube for educational purposes instead of the urban legend or crazy funny videos

5.  You might be a Beauty School Student if now are planning time off at work for hair shows and not parties, birthdays, and weddings

4.  You might be a Beauty School Student if you have cuts on your hands from cutting past the "second knuckle" when you knew better but were afraid to drop the hair, lose you guide, and have to comb that parting (of a mannequin head) again for the 5th, 10th, or 27th time

3. You might be a Beauty School Student if while watching "Tabatha's Salon Take-Over" you test your self to see how much technical information you can catch....I've created an "I Spy" technical game and it's limited  to 2 players Me & Tabatha's

2.  You might be a Beauty School Student if your house has random mannequin heads in odd places with even more unusual hair styles or cuts

1.  You might be a Beauty School Student if you are being especially generous to family and friends in hopes of locking them in as  your next hair victim...I mean client for an upcoming cut or color test