About Me

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GENEVA, IL, United States
After many years of being a workaholic and always having something to do, someone to call, and somewhere to go I left the work place for two years, slowed down, and enjoyed life. Now after my amazing break I'm attending Cosmetology school and this blog will take you, my friends and family, through my wild adventures as a student. Strap on your seat belts we're about to make some great people very beautiful!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Perms, Relaxers, and Curl Reformation

This week I'm learning all about perms and in the midst of juggling thin papers, perming rods, and mannequin hair I learned the history of perming hair.  The earliest form of curling hair dates back to the Egyptians who would apply mud to their hair, roll partings around wooden sticks, and sit in the sun to bake the curl.  After the mud dried it would flake off and the curl would last a few days to weeks.  So, who's up for a mud wrap?

What's your craziest perm story?
Do you have any wild perm pictures?

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