About Me

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GENEVA, IL, United States
After many years of being a workaholic and always having something to do, someone to call, and somewhere to go I left the work place for two years, slowed down, and enjoyed life. Now after my amazing break I'm attending Cosmetology school and this blog will take you, my friends and family, through my wild adventures as a student. Strap on your seat belts we're about to make some great people very beautiful!

Friday, January 28, 2011

2 days before school

I just  realized how very new the next season of life will be for me.  I have not been to school full time since I was 17 years old and I never remember being this happy to be in an academic setting.  Every time I become afraid about the start of something new I remember that fear is not from the Lord and I'm to have a Spirit of power, love, and a sound mind.

So, I was wondering...Does beauty school have cliques like in high school?  If so, what will I be...a nerd, band geek, goth, cheerleader, class clown, book worm, prep and oh the list goes on and on my options do not end.....I think I'll just be myself.

Should I take a "first day of school" picture in front of the building?  Just teasing...

I simply am too excited about my 1st day of school!

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