About Me

My photo
GENEVA, IL, United States
After many years of being a workaholic and always having something to do, someone to call, and somewhere to go I left the work place for two years, slowed down, and enjoyed life. Now after my amazing break I'm attending Cosmetology school and this blog will take you, my friends and family, through my wild adventures as a student. Strap on your seat belts we're about to make some great people very beautiful!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Clippers what won't these things do?????

Today I learned how to clean-up an older gentleman's ears.  Really, I used clippers to clean unruly hairs off of an ear.  I'm not sure if this is service to mention on my resume' or maybe it's something I just pretend to have never done.  To Ear or Not To Ear that is the question....


1st perm....4 hours and a lot of tears
2nd perm...90 minutes after a 4 inch 90 cut
3rd perm...53 minutes
4th perm...50 minutes
5th perm...46 minutes

It's a good thing I'm rolling on a mannequin because if she actually talked back to all my chatty kathy gossip we could be in for a very long service.  Just being silly...but I am looking forward to quicker rolling.

Umm Yeah, Your Client is throwing our Shampoo in our Receptionist Area

OK  So I had the cutest little 3 year old girl visit the salon the other day.  She truly looked like a little china doll.  I loved, loved, loved, loved her and she was my client.  I sat her up on the tall booster chair, put on her oversized apron, and performed a thorough yet quick consultation with her and Mom.

Next thing I know this cutie is reaching high and low at just about every interesting thing in my station.  Clips, Combs, and Brushes, oh my....

Then my trusted-very gifted instructor comes over to help me execute Mom's desire for her little angel to have a "clean and not ratted" hair style.  As I'm methodically pulling out my shears, sanitizing my hands, and getting my comb ready for parting my instructor leans into me and says...

"OK Bobbie time is key here.  Were not going to shampoo her, spritz her, or section her I want you get her hair in a low pony, tie it tight, and do one quick-straight cut.  You have less than 30 seconds to make your move - you are working on a young client."

As any good student would do I followed every word and as soon as I made the one quick-straight cut all of my clients baby fine hair fell into a wonderfully perfect diagonal forward - I was shocked it worked.  Soon after the beautiful little girl was off to wondering, looking, touching, feeling, and mostly moving.  The next few moments involved me, my instructor, and another student taking turns holding the little girl while we took turns clipping and cleaning up a few hairs out of place on this very quick cut.

Shortly after the wonderful service I delivered the beautiful girl to a wonderfully satisfied Mommy who was also getting a cut and color service.  Then I went onto style my mannequin heads with perm rods, rollers, and anything else educational during my down time.

Not too long into my work I have a tap on my shoulder by the receptionist letting me know that my client is sifting through receptionist area throwing shampoo and feverishly "reading" magazines.  The key words here are "my client" I still had a client in the salon even if she was not in my chair.

What's the point of the long story....well a quick one stroke cut doesn't necessarily mean it's a quick client.  The experience is 90% relational and 10% hair.

2nd Client and Feeling Good

This is Nancy and she is a hard working crisis rehabilitation nurse.  Nancy responded to my Craigslist add for a $9 haircut and her purpose in visiting me was to correct her 3 inch difference in the length of her face framing and to clean up her layers.  It was an enjoyable challenge to wash, cut, and style Nancy's loooooooong thick beautiful hair.  The best part was getting to use my 5 inch round brush - it's as wide as a coffee pot and makes great big round curls.  I had a great time with Nancy and I simply cannot wait for her next visit in 4-6 weeks.

My First Client

What a relief my first client was a sweetheart!  Gretchen came to visit me on her way to the movies with friends. I did a simple all one length with a smidge off of her layers and easy peasy face framing.  Today I learned how to face frame with one cut.   It felt a lot like geometry and cutting a line on a shape that would cause both sides of the face frame to fall at an equal length.  The trick was trusting the guide line and confidently making the cut.  I had a great deal of help from Mrs. Louise, who is a great instructor, she and I made Gretchen smile.  I can't believe I will one day get paid to make people smile...

Monday, March 7, 2011

Perms, Relaxers, and Curl Reformation

This week I'm learning all about perms and in the midst of juggling thin papers, perming rods, and mannequin hair I learned the history of perming hair.  The earliest form of curling hair dates back to the Egyptians who would apply mud to their hair, roll partings around wooden sticks, and sit in the sun to bake the curl.  After the mud dried it would flake off and the curl would last a few days to weeks.  So, who's up for a mud wrap?

What's your craziest perm story?
Do you have any wild perm pictures?

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Feedback from a Client

After working on mannequin heads for weeks I had my first real haircut, blow dry, and curling iron style...so here's the feedback!  I can't believe I will one day get paid to do the enjoyable craft of hairstyling.

Hello Bobbie,

Thank you for such a relaxing and fun evening.  I so enjoyed spending time
with you.  I truly love the way you styled my hair and am enjoying the
attention I am getting today as a result!!!  

So you might be a Beauty School student if....

10. You might be a Beauty School Student if your back hurts from carrying bags of supplies to and from school everyday

9.  You might be a Beauty School Student if your "free time" reading consists of Hair Magazines and Hair Product catalogs

8.  You might be a Beauty School Student if you come home each day with little new things done to your hair each day

7. You might be a Beauty School Student if your wardrobe colors are now several shades of black...which black top matches this black bottom today

6.  You might be a Beauty School Student if you now surf U-Tube for educational purposes instead of the urban legend or crazy funny videos

5.  You might be a Beauty School Student if now are planning time off at work for hair shows and not parties, birthdays, and weddings

4.  You might be a Beauty School Student if you have cuts on your hands from cutting past the "second knuckle" when you knew better but were afraid to drop the hair, lose you guide, and have to comb that parting (of a mannequin head) again for the 5th, 10th, or 27th time

3. You might be a Beauty School Student if while watching "Tabatha's Salon Take-Over" you test your self to see how much technical information you can catch....I've created an "I Spy" technical game and it's limited  to 2 players Me & Tabatha's

2.  You might be a Beauty School Student if your house has random mannequin heads in odd places with even more unusual hair styles or cuts

1.  You might be a Beauty School Student if you are being especially generous to family and friends in hopes of locking them in as  your next hair victim...I mean client for an upcoming cut or color test

Monday, January 31, 2011

Looking for a Brave Beautiful Woman

Well, I made it through my first day of Beauty School with flying colors.  My locker is packed with 5 mannequin heads, lots of rollers, clippers, and fun random other stuff.  A bag that is about half of my weight carries all my combs, brushes, shears, clips, curling irons, flat irons, blow dryer, and text books.  I have no strength to carry anything else.  LOL

Today was fantastic!  I learned the basics of hair: the components, texture, and basics of a consultation.  I  saw a shampoo and blow dry demonstration, and in two weeks I'm being tested on a hair cut and full style.  So, I would love to hear from you my family and friends...who is ready to allow me to cut and style your hair?

My first exam will cover the following services: a shampoo, 1 inch layer cut all over, a blow dry, and hot iron style.  A Brave Beautiful Woman who eagerly volunteers to be my model for the test would help me get closer to graduation and having a fabulous career.  The test is in less than two weeks and most likely on a Thursday or Friday morning.  Email if you are interested in being my hair model for my first test I can be reached at: bildefonso@sbcglobal.net

Love all you for your support!

Friday, January 28, 2011

2 days before school

I just  realized how very new the next season of life will be for me.  I have not been to school full time since I was 17 years old and I never remember being this happy to be in an academic setting.  Every time I become afraid about the start of something new I remember that fear is not from the Lord and I'm to have a Spirit of power, love, and a sound mind.

So, I was wondering...Does beauty school have cliques like in high school?  If so, what will I be...a nerd, band geek, goth, cheerleader, class clown, book worm, prep and oh the list goes on and on my options do not end.....I think I'll just be myself.

Should I take a "first day of school" picture in front of the building?  Just teasing...

I simply am too excited about my 1st day of school!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

3 Days to go....

Well with 3 days before school I'm not sure if I should relax and do nothing since the next 10 months will be very busy or if I should do everything because the next 10 months will be very busy..... I simply cannot believe I will be in Cosmetology school this Monday ohh it has been such a long wait and it's finally here.  I am so excited about all the friends I will soon be making.  Regency Beauty Institute here I come!!!